Brett Killion has published his Arduino shield a Network Analyzer on an Arduino Shield which covers from 0-72MHz.
The network analyzer shield uses an Analog Devices AD9851 DDS chip clocked at 180MHz which will output a sine wave at any frequency from 0Hz and 72MHz. The DDS output is filtered with a Butterworth LPF and then passed to a two transistor amplifier. The shield will output approximately 0dBm (maybe 1-2dBm if you turn the Pot up; may get distortion, though) into 50 Ohms. The output and input connectors are SMA. The power detector is an Analog Devices AD8307. It’s inputs are terminated with a 50 Ohm load. There is no filtering on the input of the power detector so the chip is responsive from very low frequencies all the way up to 500MHz.
Arduino Network Analyzer – [Link]