Open-Source Tele-Robotics Development Platform KenjiX1 for Active-Monitoring and Terrain-Exploration Applications on Land
Tele-Robotics platform KenjiX1 enables new horizons of Human-Machine Interaction, and interfacing with the real world, both in reality or virtually. It is a highly adaptable system, to give unlimited freedom and flexibility to build upon. A „Truly Modular“ tele-robotics rover, which is built for automation, active monitoring, and terrain exploration.
Physalis Labs “roboDrive Engine” which KenjiX1 relies upon, is a very flexible tool to jumpstart into telerobotics development for students, developers, and makers.
In Fig.1. Illustration of the KenjiX1 Rover equipped with payload containers, front-side mounted manipulators, and grippers to handle objects.
Thanks to its unconstrained design and modular structure, KenjiX1 can be re-configured in minutes according to the application’s demand. It brings a flexible hardware base, high degree of customization and built-in sensing systems, which, in-fact, can be utilized for real-life measurements – on the field or in lab.
With an uptime of more than 8 hours, the operator has an access to high-power mechanized arms, onboard LIDARs, distance sensors, environmental sensors, temperature and vibration measuring modules, analog sensors array which enables users to start deploying and generating real-world data right away, eliminating the need to purchase expensive and complicated external instrumentation.
Scalable and Adaptable…
SLAM, conductive sensing, and logging of vibrations, streaming environmental data over the network, storing and evaluating onboard, as well as streaming, is possible. It has been designed around the most popular and affordable hardware on the market.
Work Remotely via Tele-Presence…
Your Remote companion in Home-Office?
No matter which field are you coming from, now you can run that dangerous chemical tests inside the reaction chamber directly from your home office. KenjiX1 will handle the rest of and hazardous tasks for you.
- Author Dr.-Eng. David Zohrabyan
- Physalis Labs. Berlin 22.10.21
- email: zohrabyan@physalislabs.org