SparkFun introduces RTK Reference Station, a hardware device for high-precision geolocation, surveying, and time reference. The platform leverages Real Time Kinematics (RTK) to deliver improved positional accuracy. It combines signals from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) with a collection data stream to elevate the accuracy of satellite positioning receivers.
SparkFun started the RTK series of products that offer GNSS receivers with out-of-the-box options that can be used without configuration. The product line includes RTK Facet L-Bank, which has the ability to achieve centimeter-grade measurements, and RTK Express Plus, designed for post-processing for autonomous vehicles and logging.
SparkFun RTK receivers can achieve high accuracy by utilizing Real Time Kinematics (RTK) technology. In addition to the normal signals received from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the RTK receiver also takes in a Real-Time Correction Message (RTCM) data stream. By incorporating this correction data, the receiver can calculate its location with an accuracy of 1cm.
The SparkFun Reference Station is built upon the ESP32-WROOM processor and the U-Blox ZED-F9P multi-band GNSS module. It uses the same open-source firmware as other SparkFun RTK products, ensuring compatibility across the product line. The Reference Station offers 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connectivity, allowing for fast and reliable data transfer. It can also be powered by Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), providing a convenient power supply solution.
The U-Blox ZED-F9P GNSS module is used for high-precision geolocation, which is connected via a high-speed SPI interface, enabling a significant increase in the transfer speed of GNSS data. This improvement empowers users to log RAWX and SFRBX data from all constellations at a high frequency of 20Hz, providing unparalleled data collection capabilities.
SparkFun Reference Station offers a solution for those with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) time server for their Ethernet network. By deploying the Reference Station as an NTP server, you can improve the accuracy of timekeeping across your Ethernet network.
The Reference Station comes with built-in support for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which simplifies the setup process by automatically assigning an IP address to the device. However, if you prefer a fixed IP address for your NTP server, the Reference Station allows you to configure it accordingly.
The RTK Reference Station is available for purchase on the official SparkFun website, priced at $699.95 USD. Interested people can visit the hookup guide for more information.