Tag: EMG

Advanced Muscle Sensing with SparkFun MyoWare 2.0 Wireless Shield Featuring an ESP32-WROOM Modul
The SparkFun MyoWare 2.0 Wireless Shield can be called an accessory designed to work seamlessly with the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor. The module is built around an ESP32-WROOM module and houses a built-in 40mAh LiPo battery for wearable applications. Application includes Prosthetics and...
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BioAmp EXG Pill – Analog front-end amplification for ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG biosensing
BioAmp EXG Pill is a small, powerful Analog Front End (AFE) biopotential signal acquisition board that can be paired with any 5 V Micro Controller Unit (MCU) with an ADC. It is capable of recording publication-quality biopotential signals like ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG, without the...
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E3K – An affordable, open source all-in-one bio-sensing platform
Nowadays, technology is more and more used as a means to understand our bodies and provide us with some extra quality when it comes to our health. At the epicenter of this are the IoT devices that we use everyday, such as our smartwatches, that give us many interesting insights on the...
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Mumai – Control Anything Using your Muscles
Alvaro Villoslada designed an open-source muscle-machine to control any kind of electronic device through the myoelectric (EMG) signals. The name of this project is Mumai and it is published on hackaday.io. “The Professional EMG systems are very expensive, cumbersome and...
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Datalogging Accelerometer Data To An SDCard
MindForge @ 43oh.com build a datalogger board which logs accelerometer values on a SD Card. The datalogger is built around an MSP430G2755 microcontroller and ADXL335 accelerometer sensor from Analog Devices. his project started as an EMG datalogger to study my dad’s Parkinson’s...
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