Category: Test/Measurements

Murata Power Solutions DMR35 Digital Panel Meters
Murata Power Solutions DMR35 Digital Panel Meters perform precision DC current or voltage measurements and feature a highly visible, 3½-digit display with a fast-acting 21-segment bar graph. This graph provides a helpful indication of quickly changing measured values. Rear-accessible...
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100MHz Frequency Meter using ATtiny414
David Johnson-Davies published a new project on his blog. This project is a simple frequency meter capable of measuring frequencies up to 100MHz with an accuracy of 0.002%. Based on an ATtiny414, it demonstrates the use of Timer/Counter TCD0 and the Event System: I recently wanted to...
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tCam-Mini Radiometric Thermal Imaging Camera with Desktop App
We saw thermal imaging cameras for the evaluation of the hardware temperature of various devices. Open thermal camera is compatible with mobile phone applications for thermal imaging and FLIR ETS320 a non-contact thermal imaging camera solution for electronic testing are some of the...
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Ultra-low power water flow measurement for AMR reference design
This fully tested reference design demonstrates a low-power solution for electronic measurement of water flow through a mechanical meter and provides a single-chip platform for flow measurement and wireless communications. The design is ideal for water meter automatic meter reading...
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Miniature Frequency Probe measures 1Hz to 5MHz
David Johnson-Davies shared another great and mini project on his blog. He writes: The Frequency Probe is a handheld tool designed to help you debug your circuits by giving a visual indication of the frequency or voltage at the probe. For a periodic waveform it gives a digital readout...
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Digital Pressure Gauge 0 to 10kPa (0 to 1.75 psi) with OLED display
The project presented here is a Digital Pressure Gauge using an OLED display. The measuring range of this unit is 0 to 10kPa (0 to 1.75 psi). Additional this compact open-source hardware is Arduino compatible. This board can be used for measuring low pressure up to 1.75psi with great...
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Low-Cost Room Thermometer Using 16×2 LCD and Atmega328
This is an easy to build small size and low-cost room thermometer. The project consists of LM35 analog temperature sensor, 16×2 LCD, and an Atmega328 chip. This compact board is Arduino compatible and provided with an onboard connector for Boot-Loader burning and Arduino IDE...
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Current Meter Using 0.96″ OLED Display
This project provides an economical and precise solution for DC current sensing and display on an OLED display. This board uses the ACS715T-20A hall effect-based linear current sensor chip, 0.96 Inch I2C OLED Display and Atmega328 microcontroller chip. It is an Arduino compatible...
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