Category: Test/Measurements

Rohde & Schwarz enhances R&S RTP high-performance oscilloscope for even better signal integrity in real time
Rohde & Schwarz has paired the outstanding performance of its established R&S RTP oscilloscope with an enhanced user interface and a larger display. The result is an even more flexible oscilloscope in a compact format with a modern look and feel that continues to deliver...
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Current-Sense Amplifier with Dual Over Current Level Monitor & Alert Output
The project presented here is a high common-mode current sense amplifier with two high-speed comparators to detect out-of-range current conditions. The comparators are configured to detect and respond to dual over current conditions. These devices feature an adjustable limit threshold...
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SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifier with Input VOS Trim and Output OPAMP
The project presented here is an SPI programable Gain Amplifier using MAX9939. The MAX9939 is a general-purpose, differential-input programmable-gain amplifier (PGA) that is ideal for conditioning a variety of wide dynamic range signals such as those found in motor current-sense,...
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Under Speed Warning Alarm for Magnetic Pickup sensor – Frequency Controlled Switch
This is an under-speed sensor module that provides an audible warning and signals output when the speed of a machine is below the set point. The module can be used in applications such as Engines, Machines, Sports machines, Fitness Equipment, Speed of the machine or engine can be...
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Scoppy: A Minimalist Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer Powered by Raspberry Pi Pico
Oscilloscopes are one of the most essential laboratory tools for electrical engineers. These scopes graphically display varying signal voltages on a two-dimensional plot as a function of time. The waveforms can be used to analyze useful signal properties like amplitude, frequency, rise...
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Rodriguez – The World’s Slowest IV Tracer
Joseph Eoff has posted on Hackaday details about Rodriguez, which is an IV tracer. About the origin of the project, he says: “Rodriguez started as a nameless project I used to make a point in an online discussion about the shape of the current/voltage plot of the base/emitter...
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RadSens module: An ultracompact Arduino Dosimeter
A dosimeter is an extensively used device for measuring ionizing radiation. Modern electronic personal dosimeters can be worn by a person to monitor the dose of radiation received. These modern dosimeters can give a continuous readout of cumulative dose and current dose rate and can...
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3 Phase Isolated Hall-effect Current Sense Amplifier with +/-600V Working Voltage and +/-46A Measurement Range
The project described here is a 3-Phase isolated Hall-effect current sense amplifier with +/-600-V working voltage range. The current sensor senses magnetic flux generated from current passing through the lead frame at common-mode voltages 0 to 600V DC and provides proportional output...
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