Category: Motor

Electric Corkscrew Design Implementation
Author: Marian Hryntsiv, Senior Technical Documentation Apps Engineer, Renesas Electronics, Lviv, Ukraine The art of wine appreciation and the joy of opening a bottle have long been intertwined with using a corkscrew. Over the years, advancements in technology have revolutionized this...
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Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) MP6651 Single-Phase BLDC Drivers
Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) MP6651 Single-Phase BLDC Drivers are highly advanced and versatile single-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor drivers. The Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) MP6651 has integrated power MOSFETs and a Hall-effect sensor to deliver maximum performance and...
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High-performance, High-reliability Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver
The project presented here is a bipolar stepper motor driver. It is based on BD63731EFV chip which is a low-consumption driver that is driven by a PWM signal. The power supply voltage of the project is 8 to 28V DC, and the rated output current is 3A. CLK-IN driving mode is adopted for...
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MP6612 – 45V, 5A, H-Bridge DC Motor Driver with Current Sense and IN1/IN2 Logic Inputs
The MP6612 from Monolithic Power Systems is a Half-Bridge DC Motor Driver that is used for driving reversible motors. It requires an input voltage of 4-45 V for operation and has an output current of up to 5 A. The motor driver consists of four N-channel power MOSFETs and an internal...
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Nidec Develops the World’s Thinnest-class Linear Vibration Motor
Nidec Corporation announced today that it has developed the world’s thinnest-class linear vibration motor (the “Slider”). A number of commercially available smartphones and smartwatches are equipped with a vibration motor nowadays. Though, in the past, an eccentric motor was used...
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Nidec Develops Linear Vibration Motors with Smallest-class Diameters in the World
Nidec Corporation announced that it has developed a series of linear vibration motors with smallest-class diameters in the world (the “CA series”). A number of commercially available smartphones and smartwatches equipped with a vibration motor nowadays. Though, in the past, its...
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3-Phase Brushless DC Sinusoidal Sensorless Fan Motor Driver
Driving a low current 3 phase brushless Sensorless DC motor is very easy with this project. This Full-wave BLDC driver project is capable to drive low current brushless fan motor without a hall sensor. 180° sinusoidal drive, high torque output, and silent drive are a few key features...
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Portescap Demonstrates Wide Variety of Miniature Medical Motor Technologies
Portescap returns in person to Medical Design & Manufacturing West 2022 for the first time since 2020 to discuss the benefits of its medical motors, which power surgical hand tools, medical pumps, lab automation and ventilation equipment, and several other medical...
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