Tag: EEG

PiEEG A Raspberry Pi Shield for Measuring Biosignals like ECG, EMG, and EEG, Available for Just $350
PiEEG is an 8-channel, open-source shield for Raspberry Pi, designed to easily measure EEG, EMG, and ECG biosignals. It's user-friendly and compatible with various electrodes, making it easy to explore complex biosignals without needing specialized equipment. Researchers at Heriot-Watt...
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PIEEG — A Low-Cost, Raspberry Pi Based Brain-Computer Interface
The study of the electrical waves within the brain as a check for seizure activity relating to sleep disorders, brain tumors or epilepsy, has resulted in a parallel need for affordable EEG-based consumer applications in the healthcare center. Electronics, EEG, BCI, and neutral network...
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BioAmp EXG Pill – Analog front-end amplification for ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG biosensing
BioAmp EXG Pill is a small, powerful Analog Front End (AFE) biopotential signal acquisition board that can be paired with any 5 V Micro Controller Unit (MCU) with an ADC. It is capable of recording publication-quality biopotential signals like ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG, without the...
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E3K – An affordable, open source all-in-one bio-sensing platform
Nowadays, technology is more and more used as a means to understand our bodies and provide us with some extra quality when it comes to our health. At the epicenter of this are the IoT devices that we use everyday, such as our smartwatches, that give us many interesting insights on the...
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