9V to 48V DC-DC Converter



This project is a 8-12Vdc to +48Vdc DC-DC converter based on MC34063 switching regulator.


It’s a simple project of a DC-DC converter to make a phantom power supply for professional microphones. It can deliver 15-20mA at 48VDC. It ‘s based on MC34063 DC-DC step-up, step-down and boost converter. Input is between 8-12V DC and the output +48VDC/10-20mA.





3D PCB renderings


MC34063 Datasheet

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Ebrahim Saber

thank you a lott
best regards

Konstantin Dimitrov

Thank you for all people that like my first project


Nice work, but you forgot to save gnd polygon

Shadi abusalim

I need boost converter 12 to 80 dc
By ic.mosfet.coil

Shadi abusalim

I use uc38 not by transformer


Thanks for project.

Can i use BAT43 instead of BAT49 ?


What is L1 and L2? Is it coil?

Andrea Antonio Gallo

Is it possible to have a ready base?

Joseph Golden

I chucked this on a bread board, and it provided 15VDC from 9VDC supply. Anybody else build it out?

Joseph Golden

Scratch that. Works famously when you hook it up correctly!

Tiago SiqueiraxD

Where is the microphone input and output, I only see power input and output,
could anyone help me with this project?


What inductor did you use? I am getting an overheating issue.

Xavier Gazon


I reproduced the schematic and try with +12V and I only have 30 V instead of 48V. Do you have an idea about the problem. Which component define the output voltage value ? Thank you

Benedek Rácz

I think the L1 should be 300uH instead of the 68uH.

My calculations:

V_out: 48V
V_in: 8 … 12V
V_f: 0.6V
V_sat: 0.5V
f: 100kHz
I_out: 14.7mA

t_on/t_off: 5.8
t_on+t_off: 10us (f = 100kHz)
t_off: 1.47us
t_on: 8.53us
C_t: 341 pF
L_min 299uH <—- 5 times greater than in the schematic
I_peak_sw: 200 … 314 mA
Rsc: 1.05 ohm
0.22Rsc: 0.23 ohm

Am I right?

Benedek Rácz

Note, that you are above the MC34063A IC absolute maximum ratings… The datasheet says that no pin accepts voltage above 40V !!!


Howto increase the output curent to 2A at 48V ?

Ezequiel Segui

Thanks a lot! For a condenser mic, do you know how much time does the battery last?

Vernon Tritchka

Need to make or buy a 9v dc to 40-80v dc unit, small and inexpensive. The one I see here recommended? Or something else? Will only pull power occationally, must take rain and freezing weather. Standing by.

slop blop

This board doesnt work properly. The chip only is rated for 40V, you are running it at 48v. asking
for trouble


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