Tag: servo

Robotics Arm Controller using PS3 Wireless Remote
This project enables the user to control an RC servo-based robotics arm wirelessly. The board is based on ESP32-WROOM 32E Bluetooth/Wi-Fi module, thus PS3 or PS4 wireless remote can be paired. The project is built using ESP32 chip with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, 4...
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16 Channel RC Servo Driver with I2C Interface
This is a 16-channel servo driver that can drive 16 x RC servos over I2C interface. The project is built using PCA9685 chip, a 16-channel PWM generator that can drive 16-channel servos simultaneously. The board can be connected to Arduino or another microcontroller. Driving robots,...
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Sound to RC Servo Driver v2.0 – Arduino Compatible
The project presented here is made for applications such as Animatronics, Puppeteer, sound-responsive toys, and robotics. The board is Arduino compatible and consists of LM358 OPAMP, ATMEGA328 microcontroller, microphone, and a few other components. The project moves the RC servo once...
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Closed Loop Analog Position Control using Brushed DC Motor and Potentiometer
The project presented here is a low-cost position control closed-loop analog-servo using brushed DC motor and potentiometer as feedback. This project provides all necessary active functions for a closed-loop servo system using a Brushed DC Motor and potentiometer mounted on the output...
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Dual Joystick RF Remote Transmitter with NRF24L01 RF module – 2 Joystick Control
This is an Arduino compatible open-source hardware that includes 2 x Joysticks, NRF24L01 RF module, Atmega328 microcontroller, 3.3V regulator, power LED, function LED, Arduino programming connector, and other required components. This board can be used for the development of various...
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8 Channel RC Servo Driver Over RF Link using NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible
This is an easy-to-build open-source Arduino compatible board that enables driving 8 RC servos over NRF24L01 RF Link. The project can be used as a standalone RC servo driver or 8 channel RF remote-controlled RC servo Receiver. An optional OLED display option can be used to develop RC...
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Joystick Controlled 2 x RC Servo motors – Arduino Compatible
This project enables easy control of 2 RC servo motors using a thumb joystick. This is an Arduino compatible project and it consists of a thumb joystick, ATMEGA328 microcontroller, filter capacitor on dc supply, and other components. The thumb joystick has 2 axes, X and Y. The...
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